Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Inspiration, Where Art Thou?

Ideas often come from unexpected places.

Not so long ago, my friend Cassie and I were rummaging through a local, bargain-basement-type dollar store. We were in search of props for our *CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED web series Living With Larry.

*Living With Larry is not critically acclaimed, unless you consider my mother to be a critic.

While I was scrounging through off-brand pharmaceuticals and cardboard zombie cut-outs, Cassie momentarily vanished from view and then reappeared with an enormous, flaming-red "FOR SALE" sign. In her best Ellen Degeneres slash Dory-like voice, she posed a question:

"Can Larry sell my stuff?"

VOILA! The seed was planted for our latest *HIT episode.

*Living With Larry is not a hit, unless you consider 3,588 combined YouTube views to be the ultimate measure of success.

The moral of this story is that your local dollar store can be an invaluable source of inspiration. The same can be said for your local parking garage, hospital cafeteria, or mortuary supply store. Just get out there. You never know where the next brilliant (or in some cases, marginally humorous) idea is going to come from.

Enjoy the latest from Larry:


  1. Very true Andy. :) Inspiration comes in the oddest of places and the weirdest of times. But you just take it and run with it! Super happy with this new episode!


  2. Thanks! I think it's the best so far. Very happy!
